H. O. S. 

high fashion prints & textiles for home decor and women’s RTW

ALL prints & textiles made by designer turned artist; Stefanie Houlis.  She began looking outside apparel construction for inspiration, and found herself exploring ART.  Specifically, she started using the medium 'alcohol ink' which resembles dye, and is uniquely similar to watercolors.  What she ended up finding in the process of creating the dye paintings, was a creative release that set her heart F R E E ! 


triangle i n s p i r a t i o n

G O L D E N  H O U R

Triangle print inspired by the hour in which the sun hangs low, and makes everything g o l d e n 


A Q U A   s e r i e s 

 A dynamic series of of dye paintings and subsequent r e p e a t s  that lend themselves to the sea and it's many D E P T H S 


Aqua b o n e s 

Bone chilling  r e p e a t s  reminiscent of underwater neon X-Rays. What would glowing bones at the bottom of the ocean resemble . . . 


Aqua r e e f s 

Deep sea  r e p e a t s  that lend themselves to the wonders of coral reefs, & the l i f e they bring to our ecosystems . . . 

she feared the tide would take her out too far . . . but found that it took her exactly where she should be